Civista Bank Donates Property to Champaign County’s Senior Center for New Home

Sandusky, OH (January 4, 2019) – Civista Bank has donated property behind its 601 Scioto Street location to the Urbana Champaign County Senior Center for the building of a new center. “We are thrilled to help lay the groundwork for the Center’s future building, said Dennis G. Shaffer, Civista Bank CEO and President.
According to Mary Lee Gecowets, Vice President of the Urbana Champaign County Senior Center and Building Committee Chair, “the deed to the property was truly the most wonderful Christmas gift for the Center.” Having outgrown its current space, the Center has been saving for a new building to better serve the seniors of Champaign County and looking for a site that provides convenient access to area seniors. The Center offers a variety of services for seniors, including a free lunch weekly. When the committee approached Civista Bank regarding the vacant land behind its Scioto Street branch, the Bank offered to parcel a piece of the property and donate it to the Center for its new building.
“We look forward to welcoming the Senior Center as our new neighbor in the coming months,” added Greg Knight, Civista Bank Assistant Vice President and Commercial Lender.
“Architect plans for the new building are nearing completion and we anticipate unveiling the drawings in the near future,” added Gecowets.