Added Debit Mastercard® Security
Our 24/7 monitoring programs continually review accounts for potential fraudulent activity. If we detect suspicious debit card activity, Civista FraudEYE alerts you by email, phone or text to verify that you did conduct the transaction.
Debit Card Reissuance
We reissue compromised debit cards. When the bank is notified by Mastercard® of cardholders whose card information is compromised, we immediately notify affected customers with replacement card information. By replacing compromised cards, we can help reduce fraudulent transactions.
Chip Card Security
Civista Bank debit cards have an embedded microchip for a more secure transaction at store payment terminals with chip readers. If a chip reader is not available, simply swipe your card instead. Some payment terminals may require your card Personal Identification Number (PIN) instead of your signature.
Dot Bank Website Domain Security
Civista launched a new dot bank website in 2017. The .bank domain is only available to financial institutions that meet rigorous verification and security standards, reducing your risk of internet fraud and identity theft.
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